Holy Freckles! This trio is off the charts ADORABLE! Cameron, Tyler, and Elie were absolutely fantastic on this early autumn day last weekend and I’ve got the smiles to prove it. Now let’s see if I can keep this short and straight: Their Grandma (pictured below) is married to my mom’s cousin, making their mom (not pictured below) my second cousin (who just happens to be one of my favorite people on earth too!), which makes these three my second cousins once removed….I think. How they are related to Joe then would be….well…let’s just call them cousins and make it easy on everyone!! Regardless, we don’t get to see these beauties nearly enough and I was delighted to not only see them, but to photograph them. It was a gorgeous day full of apples, pine cones, and flowers oh my! A very HUGE thank you to the Wright family. Enjoy.
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This next set of photos was done with Christmas cards in mind. Do you need a new family photo or two for your Christmas cards this year? Stay tuned on Facebook for upcoming Christmas Card Mini-Sessions or contact me now to book a full session for your cards and gifts to give the family!
I couldn’t leave this one out…pure silliness! LOVE!