The Knights were celebrating three big milestones with this family photo session. The first being Bodhi in his fourth year of life (you might remember his sweet eyes from when I photographed Bodhi’s third birthday party in the spring), the second being Jill in her 41st year of life (yes she just turned the big 40 in July – she looks AMAZING) and the third milestone….life in general. You see, when Jill was the age that Bodhi is now (3 1/2 ), she lost her mom to breast cancer. Her mom was 32 years old when she passed. Now, Jill doesn’t hold back anything at all when it comes to being a mom herself. She frequently tells Bodhi, “I love you crazy big”, and she does! I know a lot of moms with HUGE hearts, but I think Jill has one of the HUGEST! She and John give Bodhi the world and he will be celebrating THAT for many, many years to come. I had so much fun photographing the knight family, we laughed, played, John was a natural in front of the camera, and we shared a few tears as well. They are *salt-of-the-earth people*, as my mom would say, who have a lot to give and aren’t afraid to give it. Thank you Jill, John and Bohdi for including me in this milestone celebration and for the love you give me and my family. xo

"The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with people who matter to you." -Ritu Ghatourey